Unveiling of Heritage Public Work: Alumni Abundantes

Click here to view Press release from York St John University

Alumni Abundantes, 1841 -2010.

A 6 metre piece, 6 aluminium panels printed with layered digital photographs based on the archives of Ripon, York St John colleges and now University. 
 159 years of heritage, development and abundant  past students.

Digital layered photographs printed on anodised aluminium panels, 6 of 1m x 750 mm each.


Jacqui Dodds said...

These look great on the wall would love to see them 'in the flesh'.

Jacqui Dodds said...

Is this on permanent display?

Catherine Scriven said...

'Alumni Abundantes' is a permanent work. At the moment there are some technical problems we are solving but I think that it should be permanently installed by end of April.