I decided to make a hard book cover for this book as the binding was getting loose. The handmade paper is rough and full of interesting residue from the original papers and waste soil from the Hungate Dig, but tears easily. I decided the cover should be reminescent of the boxes in which archaeological artefacts are stored; so I opted for a simple cover of brown wrapping paper.
This is one of the books which will be on show at the 12th International Contemporary Artists'Book Fair at the University of Leeds on 6th and 7th of March. You will be able to leaf through our works at the 'Kruse e Scriven' Display.

Oh, I would love to see and feel the pages, and maybe put my nose to them too. A book that could satisfy all the senses. Looking forward to seeing your and Susan's display!
Nice book.
I'm grappling with knitting with a map at the moment (don't ask!)
Should be a good event.
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