Man with head on arms,
conte and walnut ink on paper,

Man leaning over table,
conte on coloured paper,

charcoal, conte and walnut ink.
1000 x 590 mm framed,
Woman Sitting
Charcoal, walnut ink
1000 x 730 mm, framed
Shoulder twist,
conte and pastel on paper
520 x 770 mm unframed
Hang on
conte and pastel on paper
520 x 770 mm
Last Pose
Pencil and walnut ink on paper
575 x 770 mm framed
Oh my goodness! Your drawing has suddenly become even better! These drawings are so wonderful. I am bowled over. Beautiful, Catherine.
I've just remembered to click on the drawings and view them bigger and they are even Better! I love the wash with the walnut ink and the evident delight you have in shaping the flesh of this person. Have you looked at the Ruskin School in Oxford? Your drawing style reminds me of an illustrator, Shirley Hughes, who is one of my all-time favorite artists. She went to Ruskin.
Anyway, lovely. x
I loved shirley hughes, her stories and drawings encompass childhood and parenthood so much. I very much admired her books and wanted to become an illustrator. Other admired illustrators are Quentin Blake, Jan Penkowski from Meg and Mog because it was so bold, and the fabulous guy (whose name I forgot) from Where the wild thing are. (Maurice Sendak - the internet is a marvelous instant source of information!)
I realize I am attracted by the human body and will have to do something with these drawings, brain cogs are in motion...
These drawings are beautiful! As ever your loose curvy lines animate the subject, they are like life-lines. They don’t always seem drawn, are like curly threads, or locks of hair falling off the bodies, as if they were shedding their animal skin. I esp. love the one of the man leaning over the table, he seems to have slumbered there forever and some spider has started to trail a web across him. Beautiful.
wonderful! I am grateful I could discover your work thanks to Kruse.
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