I will also be exhibiting a framed edition of the
Monthly Map books which are part of a art intervention which was
started in 2008. The project was called
the Daily Colour Project: Sustaining systems
Monthly Map: August (work in progress) 2011 |
In this project daily interventions of colour
sorting the family laundry were photographed.
The project was originally produced for the Start 4 Art commission
awarded on my graduation in 2008 from York St John University. The work explores how small systems underpin
and regulate our lives in both constructive and limiting ways. The normality of life which we often take
for granted can easily be affected by external factors such as changing weather
patterns or health. The apparent
repetitive pattern is actually changing indefinitely.
Only two editions of the Monthly Map Artist Books
have been hand made. They were designed
for the Home from Home Exhibition as
part of the 14th Leeds International Artist Book Fair in March 2011.
Also on show
lastest work: 2 hours 9 minutes: REcycleD
Come and join at the launch party, enjoy a chat and a drink and see a wonderful array of art all produced within Ryedale.
Duckett and Jeffreys are pleased to be supporting ArtFest by exhibiting a wonderful selection of work by the following participating ArtFest artists: Serena Partridge, Lyn Wait, Andrea Bailey, Catherine Scriven, Gill Dearman, Sue Gough and Stef Mitchell.
Also throughout ARTFEST Duckett and Jeffreys will be taking the DJ Touring Gallery out and about on the road and parking up at the following participating galleries.
Sat 10th Sept (11-4) The Gallery at Ryedale Folk Museum - Hutton-le -hole
Sat 17th Sept (6pm onwards) Sawmill Studios - Helmsley
Sun 18th Sept (11-4) The Pantry - Lockton
Sun 25th Sept (11-4) Gallery Beyond - Nunnington
Sun 16th Oct (11 - 4) Inspired by Gallery - Danby
Duckett & Jeffreys
2 Old Maltongate, Malton,
North Yorkshire YO17 7EG
Mobile: 07854 741910
Tel: 01377 236008
E mail@duckettandjeffreys.com
W www.duckettandjeffreys.com
Wednesday - Saturday
11am-5pm or by appointment